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Low-Code Solutions: Taking Control, Increasing Innovation, Saving Time

In a world of “drag-and-drop” and “plug-and-play” technology, low-code solutions offer the convenience of customized software while providing ongoing flexibility and in-house ownership. These tools allow users in all departments, not just software developers, to take control of bringing digital visions to life. While some low-code platforms still require some coding skills, these tools promise to accelerate software development by letting developers work with pre-written code components that focus more on innovation and less on technical know-how.

According to Gartner, 65% of application development will be low-code by 2024. At Granicus, govService and other solutions offer low-code implementations that save time and money while providing the security that will satisfy any IT department. We’re at the forefront of low-code solutions and stand ready to help governments serve their residents in the most efficient ways possible.

The Benefits of Low-Code Solutions

Anyone who has used these common tools has already experienced the freedom from technical coding knowledge offered by low-code solutions. The best low-code products create an environment that inspires innovation, while striving to achieve:

  1. A Launchpad for Digital Transformation
    Instead of being locked into a pre-determined design or template for years, low-code solutions offer the foundation for continued iteration. This makes it easier for organizations to stay up to date on UX best practice and stay agile in meeting their residents’ needs.
  2. Intuitive design
    Creating an interface that puts user needs front and center, often in easy-to-understand graphical icons, helps non-coders more easily engage with the features they need to develop solutions.
  3. Flexibility
    Effective low-code products provide the tools to build solutions for an array of possible needs. Products such as govService deliver products that make it easy to develop digital interfaces that can better help governments achieve their goals in working with residents.
  4. Cost savings
    Because low-code tools are often not task-specific, organizations can save costs by using one solution to achieve multiple outcomes. And with the user-friendly interface of these solutions, there’s additional cost savings realized without the need for dedicated software development.
  5. Time savings
    With a constant barrage of digital challenges to face, IT can often be the most overloaded department of any organization. By removing the burden of software development, IT departments have one less thing to worry about, and projects can be completed much more quickly.
  6. Better user experience
    Since the software is often being developed by those who have user needs top-of-mind, low-code solutions present an opportunity to create tools with better user experience.

Low-Code Solutions in Action

The City of Grand Rapids, Michigan, suffered from a problem common among city governments: an outdated website that was difficult for residents to navigate and complicated for staff to maintain. Partnering with OpenCities by Granicus, Grand Rapids created a beautiful digital services website focused on the city’s most requested transactions, in just five months. As a result, OpenCities transitioned contacts from resident calls to almost 1,000 new online submissions.

How to Get Ready for Low-Code Solutions

Low-code solutions have many benefits, but they also present some challenges. Many best practices are just emerging and are relatively immature. In order to ensure that low-code solutions aren’t seen as a liability in an organization, consider these steps to prepare for their integration.

  • Be ready for a culture change
    Low-code solutions have the power to obliterate silos and increase cross-departmental work. Shifting that culture requires executive vision and endorsement, as well as budget allocation.
  • Take the time to learn the platform.
    The speed and productivity benefits that come with low-code solutions can only be achieved by understanding the tools at a user’s disposal. “Low-code” doesn’t mean “low-effort.” Developing a level of expertise takes time and dedication.
  • Lean on support and user communities
    Conventional programming languages and software development users may have communities with millions of developers, but that doesn’t mean that newer low-code solution users are operating in the dark. Many companies, including Granicus, provide expert support and access to growing communities of users who can also offer guidance and shared innovation for using tools to achieve the greatest impact.

Learn how low-code solutions can give departments more control over their digital presence while creating secure innovation, efficiencies and savings, and, most importantly, improved resident engagement.

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