- Oregon
- Department of Transportation
How Oregon DOT Used Technology to Achieve Its Communication Goals
The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) is an agency encompassing the state’s division of motor vehicles, highway and bridge construction, regulation of the state’s trucking industry and more. ODOT has offices in every city in Oregon and employs over 4,700 employees who work toward the agency’s mission to provide a safe and reliable multimodal transportation system that connects people and helps Oregon’s communities and economy thrive. To create these connections for its residents and bring greater efficiency to its processes, ODOT implemented Granicus’ integrated communications solution, govDelivery.
Project Metrics
- 64% engagement rate
- 149% growth in subscribers in 5 years
- 905% overlay impact on subscribers
- 160% increase in number of emails received

Bridging inefficiencies with technology solutions
Before implementing govDelivery, ODOT had been using email and fax as its main methods of communication. They used email groups, but there was no consistency in the messages nor was there data on open rates or readership. The department also relied on faxes to send communications to and from its separate divisions. For its trucking section, ODOT employees would fax weight limits for bridges. When its construction division needed to get the word out about rerouting trucks, faxes would be sent to area companies.
ODOT leadership wanted a more efficient way to conduct business. They wanted a digital solution that would give them insightful data, help to tell the agency’s story, and improve how it provides customer service.
Streamlining processes with customized software
Implementing an integrated communications solution helped ODOT reimagine its communication strategy and work toward three major goals:
- Responsibly serve Oregonians
- Use state resources efficiently
- Serve customers efficiently
This technology allowed ODOT to reach the right audience at the right time. When the pandemic prevented ODOT staff from holding traditional focus groups, the agency used govDelivery to conduct 50/50 and A/B testing to better target messages. The information gleaned from this testing allowed ODOT staff to refine messages and better segment audiences. More than 680 participated in the testing exercise, exceeding the agency’s goal by 70%.
Additionally, ODOT uses the solution to communicate timely information about Real ID, a national mandate, and let residents know about the changing deadline and other important details. Using an overlay, 40,000+ people signed up to get news about Real ID.
ODOT also uses the technology to send SMS messages, which have been helpful in emergency situations. The team found that instead of having an email group or text group available only on one team member’s phone, emergency managers could send an SMS message to a closed group of subscribers to inform them immediately about an emergency, creating a more efficient way of communicating. This software has also helped ODOT improve internal communications as well as recruitment efforts.
Greater engagement and more effective communication
Upon implementing Granicus’ govDelivery solution, ODOT saw not only substantial growth in subscribers to its communications, but also an increase in engagement. The agency had more than 223,000 subscribers in 2022, a 149% increase in subscribers since 2018. The engagement rate for these subscribers is nearly 64%, higher than the 2022 benchmark median rate of 60% for state and local agencies and 57% for transportation departments.
Additionally, the software has helped ODOT increase engagement in its external recruitment efforts. As recruitment for specialized roles, like bridge engineers, has become more challenging, ODOT has taken steps to distribute more engaging recruiting messages. ODOT staff wanted job announcements to include more than just a link to apply to positions, they wanted to share what it’s like to work for ODOT and have begun to include more personal employee stories. The HR recruiting team looks closely at the data for these messages and has seen an uptick in the number of people opening the messages and clicking through.
[On-Demand Webinar] Learn more about how ODOT uses Granicus to reach top talent.