Your Quick Reference Guide to Government Digital Communications Metrics
For every digital message opened, website navigation tracked, or social media follower added, there is one question that inevitably comes up when reviewing metrics: How do my numbers compare to my peers?
In today’s digital age, there’s no need for blind guessing – we can measure and compare nearly everything. And by doing this, government organizations can better figure out if their strategy is producing the digital communications metrics they want. It’s why we looked at thousands of data points from our clients and published the findings in our annual Benchmark Report.
The full guide lays out a wide array of statistics that organizations can use to compare to their own across email, social media, and websites. But sometimes you just need a gut check – something to quickly reference against what you’re seeing in whichever analytics dashboard you’re using.
That’s why we recently rolled out the 2018 Granicus Benchmark Report infographic, your one-page guide to these stats.
Download the full report or infographic today your numbers are right where they need to be!