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Almost Everything You Need to Know to Get Started with Content Strategy

Often times, the most overlooked and undervalued part of your website’s usability is arguably its most important: content strategy. Even a visually stunning website will not be effective if the information within it is difficult to find and understand.

Content strategy is “thinking strategically about your content across all departments and groups, connecting all of the ways you touch people.”

Migrating all of your content from an old website to a new website is not content strategy – in fact, it’s the opposite of a good content strategy.

Good content strategy for local government websites doesn’t just happen, it’s the result of careful planning and integrated effort of your entire web and content team. At Granicus, we’ve created a number of resources to help you excel with content strategy on your local government website.

Content Strategy Checklist

Are you communicating effectively on your website? Does your website content engage your community? Before you press “Save & Publish,” we created a checklist that all of your content editors can use with tips to ensure your copy is clear, concise and connects with your residents. This is a great resource that should be laminated and on the desk of anyone who is writing content for your website.

Download Content Strategy Checklist